How to delete a shared document

You can share received documents among all users associated with an account.

If you are the owner of the document, you can delete the received document. This action removes the document from all queues of shared users and deletes the document permanently from the system.

If you have 'View' sharing permission for a document, you can can only hide the document. Hiding the document only removes the document from your queue. All other users with sharing permission can still see the document in their queues. To see the document again after hiding it, ask the document’s owner to share it with you again.

If you have 'Edit' sharing for a document, you can both delete and hide the document.

To delete a shared document from your queue:

  • Select a received, shared document in the Inbound Queue and then click Delete Button > Delete Option, or:
  • View a shared document in the InterFAX Document Viewer and click Delete Button > Delete Option.


  1. Only users with 'Owner' and 'Edit' permissions can delete documents. Users with 'View' permission can only hide it.
  2. After deleting a document, the document will be moved to 'trash' until it will be deleted permanently automatically or by the user.


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